Democrats were not so pleased specially after the their defeat the night before where an amendment by Matt Schaefer made the version of the bill more "punitive." This amendment allows for Authorities to ask a persons immigration status during detainment. Democrats and immigrant rights groups feel this is more of a "show-me-your-papers" type of bill. Now the bill will go back to the upper chamber where senators have the option to accept the changes made by the House3 or to call for a conference committee.
This Bill targeting Sanctuary cities is no longer a U.S. National Government problem but now a Texas problem since it has now hit home, to where as before for those soley from Texas never really seemed to be affected. Many democrats and Immigration right groups are immensely upset. They feel that the "Senate Bill 4 is a bill authored by republicans, put on the House floor by republicans, passed solely with Republican Votes, The republicans own this lock, stock and barrel. They control this place, and Democrats fought as hard as we knew for 16 Hours. "Rep. Rafael Anchia from D-Dallas states that he hopes they are satisfied because "If your goal was to use immigrants for Political Gain, you have succeeded. If your goal was to strike terror into the hearts of immigrants so they go home, you have succeeded."Rep. Mary Gonzales a Democrat from El Paso Texas states that " A lot of you know I am Angry, and I am not sure how to get over it. But I have every right to be angry when peoples lives are being dramatically impacted. I hope today you go home and you think, 'What am I doing here? Am I being a person of Integrity'"
In a post from the Houston Chronicle , critics feel that this "sanctuary cities bill" will have a negative effect, leading to racial profiling and law suits. Although there are many cities around the U.S that are already a sanctuary city, this one hits at home, a home with thousands that could be affected and has the potential to create chaos. In a post by James Barragan in the Dallas News, Freshman Rep. Diana Arevalo a San Antonio Democrat, stated that "You are Hurting Families like mine. You are tearing them apart!"