Hello fellow classmate,
I could not agree more with your post! All this man cares about is money and does not stop to think how much he is hurting our beloved earth. All the hard work Obama did is worth nothing now, it is sad to see how this man is digging us so far down a hole and before we realize it we will be buried in it. If just for a second politicians stopped caring about money and more about the environment the world could be different. Not everything is money, one way or another one can always find a way to get or make money, money will always be there...
But what will not always be there if we continue in the route we are now, is our Home. Earth needs our help and it needs it now! Yes Global warming is real, and one can absolutely feel the temperature rising! Like you stated in your post, " if the republican party is so family oriented then why don't they stop for a second and think about what kind of world their children and grand children will be living in?" and that statement could not be any more true!! As everyone knows one of the most important things about family is a home, and we have a great big blue one filled with natures beauty. So my question is, if they really are family oriented why are they hurting theirs families home, most importantly why are they destroying it. In reality, EVERY single living person on this earth needs to realize that our home needs our help, and if everybody stopped and took one second to make a change in a way that will make our Earth better for a brighter tomorrow no matter how big or small it is, we would not be worrying if we, our children or grandchildren might have a home to live in the following years.